Founded in 1998, the Three Ring Ranch is a private, non-profit, exotic animal sanctuary located on five acres above Kona. It is home to zebras, nene, hawks, owls, flamingos and reptiles, as well as many other rare, endangered and exotic creatures.

Licensed by the USDA, we hold Federal wildlife permits for rehabilitation and possession of raptors and endangered species and are one of only 38 fully accredited sanctuaries in the country.

Our mission is to positively impact the environment while educating Hawaii's children about their place in the natural world.

Our goal is to assist in the development of an environmentally responsible generation of youth. We teach about the fragile ecosystem we impact on a daily basis, while giving visitors a rare chance to see the animals up close.

Native animals brought to us with injuries are cared for and released when able. Our resident animals live out their natural lives at the facility.

In addition to caring for exotic animals already within the State, we serve as an amnesty station where alien species can be brought


Volunteer With Us

No animal experience necessary! Contact Ann if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.



The Sanctuary offers both internships for pre-vet students and summer externships for second year vet students. We are currently affiliated with all veterinary schools in the United States, Australia and New Zealand. We welcome other students if space is available. Students are selected early each year for two 3-5 week summer programs. Our interns have been 100% successful in entering into a veterinary college!