As our courses are fully accredited and internationally recognized, you can feel confident in your ability to secure the highest-paying teaching positions abroad. Plus, thanks to the online curriculum and 24/7 unlimited access, you have the freedom to study whenever and wherever it suits you, on any device in any location. PremierTEFL members also enjoy personal tutor support and expert job hunting advice to maximize the TEFL experience.


About This Course

The 180 hour course has been created to provide you with real, comprehensive knowledge of everything you need to become a confident, influential TEFL teacher. Between the TEFL 120 hour course, 30 hour IELTS and 30 hour TOEIC, the 23 modules introduce you to the key elements of TEFL teaching, from being aware of the format of the TOEIC Bridge Test and test questions to who takes the IELTS exam and what scores will they need. The modules have been specifically coordinated to be engaging, accessible and intuitive, with real-life classroom examples, quizzes and videos to review your learning.


What you get

  • 180 hours of combined TEFL, IELTS & TOEIC training
  • Personal tutor support
  • Internationally recognized certificates
  • Expert job hunting advice