For over ten years, New Zealand Internships has firmly established its place as the top provider of internships across New Zealand – and we intend to stay that way.

Our primary mission will always be in making sure every intern successfully completes their internship. Whether this involves gaining the relevant credits and/or experience, we have never had an intern who has failed to do so for reasons within our control. Being aware of the needs of both host companies and the demands of educational institutions goes a long way when ensuring this happens.

Our motivated and passionate team, have organised placement’s for thousands of successful candidates – all having left with a rewarding and quality overall experience. The stories and feedback we regularly receive can attest to this. The smiling faces in the photos you see on this website are all previous interns. We are THE internship agency with the best service, best results for our interns, agencies and host companies.

We offer a comprehensive list of services for a wide range of needs when you will be doing your internship (abroad). You’ll be able to focus on your internship and not have the worries of figuring everything out or doing things wrong. 

Our Programs:

  • Professional Internship Program
  • Tourism Internship Program
  • Hospitality Program
  • Agriculture Program
  • Social Work Program
  • Volunteer Program