We run a camel farm and activity centre in the South of France and have been offering gap year placements independantly for over a year, these have been hugely successful, and we've extended our accommodation further to facilitate others.

We are the first people in the world to clicker train camels, and also have a number of other clicker trained animals including llamas, goats, and miniature pigs. ( we train our animals with the same methodology as the dolphins in Florida)

Our gap year students get completely embroiled in farm life and a typical day includes training camels and llamas, riding camels and horses, assisting in delivery of baby animals, riding in the foothills of the Pyrenees.

Typical clients have included Law students, English Literature students, as well as Vet students at all levels who have visited from throughouth the world ( Australia, Canada and UK)

We're also able to offer skiing and wine tasting trips in the local area as well as organised cycling tours.