It was established by a Cambodian group of intellectual in late 2011. Currently, HRADO is running activities base on a director and voluntary staff to teach children in English, Khmer, Mathematic and Engish to adults  with more than 100, in a way to raise some money to support projects to be sustainability. The children needed to pay 3$/month and 5$ for adults.

This money is used to pay for children classes expenses (office rental, food for student volunteers, gasoline...), but is not enough and HRADO director must pay $ 200 / month from his own money on top of working full time for the organization without salary.

HRADO is a new local organization founded more then 2-year ago, now working with poor children, university students and farmers in the community. Because of no donor, we are working to develop our organization by working with poor unversity students to teaching children and adults in order to raise some money for monthly expense. In our goal is to glorify the education of children and adults (train adults/university student to have experienced and ability in working).    

We are doing now is trained 25 university students by Director in teaching children with quality. Although these voluntary staffs have low education of English and pedagogy but they are working in high commitment.

For our sustainabily, we need to strengthen our volunteer's knowledge and experiences in order to improve our knowledge of children and adults.  That why we tried to build up network with experienced people to help us. In addition, we planned to develop English Conversation with Foreigner class in order to raise money from adults to support our poor children project in the community, that currently is running depend on children's a little bit monthly money contribution.