We have served over 2 million patients in 14 years in our 16 clinic sites in Costa Rica Nicaragua and Peru, and we are offering two Service learning or volunteering programs for Pre med , Dental Nursing and any student interested in the medical field.

FSF Service Learning was born out of the need to service both the pre med and dental students abroad with the exposure in the field and hands on patient handling experience to reinsure their choice to work in the healthcare arena is for the right reasons. We also admit all students thinking about a career in the medical or health care field.

This program also allows us to serve the people who cannot afford healthcare other ways, it also inspires the children in needy communities to become professionals in the medical field, creating a long term change in their whole community.

We have multiple accredited Clinic Sites in Costa Rica and Nicaragua where we offer our free clinics. We also hire highly competent physicians, Medical Interpreters and Team Leaders that will make your trip, a life changing experience.

We are offering two Service learning or volunteering programs for Pre med , Dental Nursing and any student interested in the medical field.