These children and teenagers are often facing poor socioeconomic conditions, and many have been abandoned.

Expand Perú promotes volunteerism as a mechanism to support the work being done by various social assistance, medical, and education centers in Peru. Expand Peru is the intermediary between the community and the volunteer, so that the volunteer can work in a capacity that is best suited to their skills and interests. There is no legal obligation between Expand Peru, the volunteer, or the placement sites.

Expand Perú is not a political, religious, or commercial organization. We do not participate in any ideological movements. We are an organization that brings together people from various backgrounds to live and work together, regardless of nationality, race, or religion.

Expand Perú is funded by volunteers and their own economic activities. We do not depend on international, national, or public funding.



To provide high quality work in a way that guarantees that both the volunteer and the beneficiary community enjoy a safe and positive experience.


Contribute directly to the comprehensive development of Peruvian communities facing extreme poverty and high social risks by working in health, education, and socialization, thus improving overall quality of life.

Give to volunteers from all over the world the opportunity for personal and professional development by utilizing their abilities, talents, and skills to help people living in poverty.