CRY aims to rescue and restore young lives broken by poverty, oppression, exclusion and abuse and to provide appropriate opportunities for a better future.

Please remember that recruitment is led by the demands of the project, NOT by the demands of people who want to go.

First, consider what you are offering and what you want to do. You may have to re-think some of your parameters once you have started gathering information. If you're looking for a short term project, then you need to contact those organisations that offer short term placements. Research done now will save frustration later on and save the charity money and time - sending out forms and leaflets. Once informed you can be selective and approach agencies that offer what you want. You'll feel happier if you receive 'thank you but no' letters than no letters at all.

Agencies look for people who: are adaptable and flexible; have a sense of humour; have good communication skills; are willing and able to listen; wish to learn as well as to give; can adapt their skills to a very different work situation overseas; show sensitivity to other views; can cope with limited resources; can work as part of a team; can learn a new language, if necessary.

Your personal circumstances will also affect the options that are available to you. Do you have a partner or other close relationships? Children? A mortgage, student loans, an overdraft or credit card debt? Academic or training courses to finish? You will also need to consider: Are you healthy? How long can you offer? How old are you? What stage are you at in your career? What training and experience do you have? So be realistic about what you are offering and be selective in the organisations you contact.