It is a federally recognized teaching institution and it trains and certifies Ski Instructors to best serve its partners such as Snow Schools and the Canadian skiing public.

Canada has six CSIA Regions: Atlantic, Québec, Ontario, Central, Alberta and British Columbia — each represented on the Board of Directors. The six members of the National Board of Directors conduct the affairs and business of the CSIA. Regional affairs are addressed through Regional Committees, who are serving regional needs through Member communications, Regional Events and Clinics.


What do we offer?

CSIA Education includes Programs with four Certification Levels and extensive Professional Development. These levels represent our Technical Reference. Programs are administered under the technical guidelines established by the Education Committee and the National Office, which is based out of Montreal, Québec.

Anyone who wishes to become a regular Member of the CSIA must attend and pass a Certification Program. Each Member has access to all types of training and education and receives communications and online material provided by the CSIA.

Want to become a Ski Instructor and Member? Register for Level 1