Adelarte, non-profit non-governmental organization, has been set up in 2017 in order to allow actors from various origins and with various competencies to build together, through art, local lasting and sustainable solutions in order to face global stakes.

We gather international volunteers to set up multidisciplinary teams that work on sustainable development projects with vulnerable communities using art as vector.

Our indignations are about inequalities between people, the predominance of economy on human and environmental matters and closed and passive mind. This is why we defend values of international solidarity, sustainable development and popular education.

In 2017, in the up north of Colombia is built the project "TOGETHER WITH THE ETNO-EDUCATIVE CENTER #12 OF LA GUAJIRA AND THE WAYUU CULTURE".

From January 2018 to June 2020, about 30 international volunteers contributed to its implementation during 1 to 3 months.