Students attend classes in a Renaissance palace equipped with the most modern technologies, however, the city immediately becomes a single, large classroom, in which to immerse yourself in order to get to know the art and culture of Florence.

The AEF offers programs built according to the guidelines of the Bologna Process, it represents the Elon University of North Carolina in Europe, and it is a Formative Training Agency recognized by the Regione Toscana: each course meets this triple quality status and is valued in ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) through an equivalence proposed in US academic credits. 

The ECTS credits constitute the new European academic standard, established in 1999 with the Bologna Process in order to allow the mobility of students within the European borders through the Erasmus project. 

Today, the ECTS system allows for the best European formative institutes to dialogue with the whole world, defining course characteristics, contact hours, hours of study, clarity of information, guidelines for the evaluation of results and above all, guaranteeing the maximum transparency and quality of every aspect of the formative training offer.

AEF is authorized by the University of Siena (Università per Stranieri di Siena – Ateneo internazionale) as an Exam Center for the CILS Certificate in Italy.