The number of patients can vary from day to day and the hospital has several clinical departments witch include internal medicine, surgical, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, ophthalmology, dentistry, radiology, pathology, mental health, anesthesia, physiotherapy and pharmacy. Since many health centers lack modern facilities, or have broken equipment and a shortage of staff, the placements are very challenging. However volunteers will have a physician that they can shadow and work with. Volunteers need to bring their own medical equipment, gloves, lab coat, medical scrubs and appropriate shoes.

The type of hands on work you will be allocated will depend to an extent of your own abilities and capabilities, which is understandable given that you will be dealing with the health and safety of patients. You will be involved in aspects of the day-to-day running of the hospitals, observing or directly assisting, where possible. You can help out in simple but practical ways, vastly increasing your own knowledge and understanding of medical practice.

We do recommend you learn a few words and phrases of Swahili, which will be very helpful when dealing with the locals.